Adding Mathematical Review numbers to your LaTeX file



The MR Number is a number (or pair of identifiers) used to uniquely identify a specific record in the Mathematical Reviews (MR) Database. Every item in the database has a seven-digit access number, and some items also have an additional identifier in parentheses following the seven-digit number for compatibility with the paper publication Mathematical Reviews.

Example: MR2025596 or MR2025596 (2004i:13026)

getMRef scans the bibliography section of an input .tex file, connect to the AMS BatchMref service and adds a \MR{} command to the bibliography entry.

If a hyperref package is used, \MR{<num>} could be defined as:

This Python script requires python ver. 2.7  


Add Mathematical Review numbers to your LaTeX file, retrieve and format bibliography from MathSciNet bibliography database with BatchMRef

This service will let you upload .tex or .bbl file to get:

  • original .tex file with added MR numbers;
  • bibliography in BibTeX .bib format. Entries, found on MathSciNet, will be replaced with records from MathSciNet database;
  • as above + entries translated into LaTeX (.bbl) using selected BibTeX style;

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